Whatever else upon this Earth we’ve been,
Wherefrom we step, torchlights streaming
Into the dark and storm of night
We are Cause
We are Decision
We are Scientologists
We are Creators, Builders, Keepers
Of Ideal Orgs—Sanctuaries of Hope
And Light and Beauty
Wisdom and Prophecy
Here, Order, as intended
And Purpose, guide the way
Ideal Orgs abound and with them
The ringing of the Bells of Freedom
Mark the passing of the night
Calling in the dawn and each new day
Of this New and Golden Age
Advancing futures
Cleared beings
Groups, cities
States, continents
And hemispheres
This Earth—
Wherefrom we welcome
All shoulders to the wheel—
New strength with ours
Pan-determined, undeterred
And the wheel turns
And with the wheel the universe turns
And the universe bends its knee
For we are Cause
We are Decision
We are Scientologists
Eight shining cords
Eight streaming cords of livingness
And THAT is the Postulate
- Ideal Org: Ideal is something considered to be perfect or most suitable. Org is short for organization and is often the word used by Scientologists for Churches of Scientology. Thus an Ideal Org is one that embodies the applied religious philosophy of Scientology. For more information visit Scientology Beliefs & Practices: What is Scientology?
M.G., 2023, “Very good! A great poem! Especially, for those who understand all its significances and implications!”