A Gentle Scent

A gentle scent surrounds me.  It eddies,
flows, reminds me.  I dream, look long
and away until just so and seeing you
and having only to say—I seize upon
some flower, something I love, you see,
and say—This is where I begin.  This is
where I am.  This is where I am re-awoken.
And in that span you hold me with interest,
with affinity.  You who can never end,
whose beginning is before time—
From non-existence you rekindle me.


Published in: “Letter to the White Imbongi” 2013: “Poems for Relationships” 2017

4 Replies to “A Gentle Scent”

  1. Georgia Hilton
    @GGeorgiahilton tweeted, “I’m reminded of those lines of Blake’s – seeing the world in grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower – thanks for sharing this beautifully meditative poem :)”

  2. From Christi Michaels MoonFlower, 2015, “This is truly beautiful”

    From Joe Cottonwood, 2015, “May I be the first to [heart] this poem? …Lovely.”

  3. This is my favorite poem of all time.
    You truly are an incredible writer!

    1. Thank you, My Love!

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